
Eric Watts

Last updated:Dec 27, 2023

A little test for you: Which website receives the most visits? You made an excellent guess if you said Google. We won’t annoy you by listing every website that receives millions of visits worldwide, but we will inform you when an adult website appears in the top 10. In actuality, three pornographic websites rank among the top 20 most popular ones. You therefore require a web browsing history tracker.

We’re going to demonstrate how to covertly capture their browsing history today so you can make sure they’re not viewing anything inappropriate. Recall that you cannot view someone else’s internet history without their permission.

However, you have the right to surreptitiously examine your child’s surfing history without telling them if they are living under your roof, under the age of 18, and you wish to keep an eye on them. Naturally, we always advise becoming familiar with your local legislation.

1: Get a Web Browsing History Tracker

We strongly advise using an app to track Internet history if you want to know what they’ve been browsing without constantly grabbing their phone or fiddling with the settings. Digitexpro is the ideal option. You may access their browser data after it’s installed on their device.

Finding a way to covertly capture browsing history is not necessary. Digitexpro handles everything for you:

See their browsing history. Every website they have visited, down to the page URL, is displayed by Digitexpro. Additionally, you’ll learn how many views they have received and when they last visited the website. It’s an excellent method to find out which websites they prefer.

View their bookmarks. There’s a strong possibility that the websites they frequently visit are in their stored bookmarks. Digitexpro also shows them to you. Therefore, Digitexpro is your best option if you want to see another user’s bookmarks and browsing history.

Block websites. The Internet history tracking tool Digitexpro does more than merely display the pages they have visited. You can even use it to prevent them from seeing websites that you want them to see. Simply click to block. It really is that simple.

2: Grab Their Phone and Peek

Although it may seem apparent, you are one of the simplest people to trace someone’s Internet surfing history. You can swiftly browse through their phone if you can take it from them when they’re not looking.

But be careful to avoid going too far and to maintain your moral standards. In any case, make sure to examine every browser that is installed on their phone.

Recall that they might utilise any other browser, like Opera, Safari, Chrome, or any other. People frequently use different browsers, so it’s crucial to take your time looking at each one. Additionally, you need act swiftly to avoid being discovered.

3: Take Advantage of Google Sync

It’s likely that they utilise the Google Sync feature if they utilise Android. You now know how to covertly trace browsing history if it is enabled. This is due to the fact that whatever device they use to log into Google will display their browsing history.

For instance, all of their bookmarks and searches will be accessible if they have enabled Google Sync on their Android device and are logged into Google on their Mac or PC through Chrome.

You’re not totally lost if they’re just logged in on their phone. You can log in on any device, activate sync, and check what they’re up to if you know their account, password, and whether Google Sync is enabled on their phone.

4.Set up Google Family Link to track your kids' online activity

1.Download Google Family Link on your and your child’s phone.

2.Open Google Family Link on your child’s phone.

3.Select Child or Teen, then sign into the child’s account.

4.Tap on Next.

5.Now, sign in with the parent’s Google account.

6.Finish the process.

7.Open Google Family Link on your phone.

8.Sign in using the parent’s Google account and you are done.

5.Using My Google Activity

The majority of individuals are unaware of this feature. Google records the history of searches made with Google Chrome in its My Activity feature. Not only that, but you can also view your YouTube history and previous visited locations. You will need the other person’s Google account email address and password in order to view the searches they have made.

1. Perform a search on Google My Activity, then click this link or the first one.
2.Log in using the credentials from the other person’s Google account.
3. All search keywords are now visible to you.

don’t possess the other person’s Google account information. You can complete your task using a third-party software, so don’t worry.

How Digitexpro Lets You See Everything

It may seem magical to have tools that trace your online surfing history. It’s quite real, though. It’s also simple to use. Once you have completed the Digitexpro instruction, you will be able to enter your own control panel. From any device, you may log in. your PC, tablet, smartphone, and Mac. You will be able to see everything on any device.

To find out which websites they visit most frequently, simply seek for the “Internet Usage” column next to it and click or tap “Browser History” or “Browser Bookmarks”. To block a website, simply navigate to the “Restricted” section.

See more on their phone

It takes more than just being able to see someone’s browser history across various phones to use Digitexpro. It’s about being aware of their phone usage habits, even when they’re not using it for browsing.

With the help of a number of cutting-edge capabilities, Digitexpro lets you see what they do online. You may view their conversations on Messenger, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Instagram, and a number of other platforms as part of this social media surveillance.

In addition, you can view calls and videos, get screenshots of their live activity, see every keystroke they make, see their whereabouts on a map, receive notifications when they approach or exit a particular area, and much more.

Therefore, Digitexpro has you covered whether you want to know how to discover the websites someone has visited or whether you want to confirm that they are speaking with someone you know and trust. Even though it costs money, this Internet history tracker offers better value than any other product in its category. Try it out.

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