
Jerry Wiggins

Last updated:May 29, 2023

In order to make sure that their kids are in a secure area, responsible parents truly want to know where their kids are in real time, especially when they can’t stay with them all the time. This is especially true when the kids go out alone. How can I determine someone’s current location by phone number when other people will also need to know where they are in real time?

In actuality, a single cell phone number is insufficient to precisely find a person. This post will teach you how to track the location of someone in real time in a number of efficient ways.

Part 1. Why You Need to Know Someone’s Location?

There are several reasons why you could be interested in finding out where someone is. There are countless possibilities—your partner may be cheating, your child may not be at home yet, etc.

To find out where someone is right now

A worried parent may wish to find their child who unintentionally went to his friend’s house and returned without telling anyone.
Alternatively, it could be a suspicious partner who suspects their spouse of being unfaithful.


All that a geofence is is a phone-created digital barrier. The software will alert you each time the target phone crosses international boundaries.

Finding a lost device

Are you wondering how to look up my phone number? Sometimes all you want to do is find their phones. It can be because it was stolen or you misplaced it.
Finding a misplaced device may help you locate and retrieve it, which might not have been feasible otherwise.

Track employee activity

Employers in a business context might want to monitor their workers’ whereabouts for security purposes. If an employee is found somewhere he shouldn’t be, you can then issue a red signal. The location will be used as evidence if you decide to take legal action against them for violating company policy.

Part 2. How to Track Current Location by Phone Number with Digitexpro

An intuitive phone tracker for tracking current position online is called Digitexpro. You can follow someone’s location without using a phone thanks to it. Furthermore, as it’s an internet service, installing an app on the target phone is not necessary. The lack of a complicated jailbreak makes the monitoring process simple overall.

How to Track Current Location with Digitexpro

Follow the steps to track someone’s current location with Digitexpro.

Step 1. Sign up Free

Sign up for Digitexpro and purchase a subscription plan.

Step 2. Set up

Give Digitexpro the iCloud login credentials. After a brief wait, Digitexpro will sync with the gadget.

Step 3. Start Tracking Location

Once verified, you can start monitoring it straight away.

As you can see, there are no downloads necessary for monitoring iOS devices.

Other Features of Digitexpro

Pinpoint virtual location

You’ll be able to see their exact whereabouts at any given moment. Minspy records all pertinent information, including address, landmarks, and GPS coordinates. For the optimal viewing experience, the area is then displayed in 3D Street View on Google Maps.

location records

Consider location logs in the same way as call logs—which indicate the quantity of calls made in the past. Digitexpro logs significant locations the user has visited over the previous few weeks and follows the phone’s movement over time. Timestamp information is added to the location.

Call records

Digitexpro logs all of the calls that the subject makes and receives. Although you cannot record calls, you may see how long each call lasted.

Browser history

You can see which websites were visited from the target device on the dashboard. This covers, among other things, email websites, social networking websites, and websites used by law enforcement.

Messages log

Digitexpro will accurately capture phone messages if the user transmits and receives them on a regular basis. Any trades of media files are also watched over.

Part 3. How to Track Current Phone Location with Family Orbit?

A strong parental control programme that keeps an eye on your child’s phone is called Family Orbit. With the help of the family tracker software, you can utilise its many capabilities to keep an eye on your child’s social media accounts and phone activity in addition to tracking their whereabouts. This is a terrific method to let your kids be more independent and go out more often, but you also have more piece of mind knowing exactly where they are and where they are at all times in case they stray from a predetermined area.

Additionally, it has the Mobile Geofence function. You individually place this invisible barrier on a map. Your child will immediately send you an alert letting you know where they are if they get past this barrier. At that point, you could easily call your kids or keep a closer check on them. Additionally, a location history tool will be available to you, providing you with a list of the locations your child has visited.

Part 4. Conclusion

Thanks to the various cell phone tracker applications accessible, there are numerous methods for monitoring a phone’s present location. Whichever strategy you choose, we strongly advise you to always have a few backup plans on hand so you can always find out who is calling or where a particular cell phone number is.

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